
You may need a Google account to access these downloads as Google Docs seems to go from allowing to blocking anonymous access without warning.   Ignore any messages about the Google viewer.

TBAFS 32bit
1.03 - 32bit Beta - for ROOL RISC OS 5.17+
(untested on other RISC OS versions and will test for RISC OS 5 in the !Run)

TBAFS 26bit
1.01 - 26bit Full Version - for RISC OS 26bit versions
(as released in 1996 full product, untested after RISC OS 3.6)

BBC BASIC with VFP/SIMD Assembler Enhancement
0.06 - 32bit Alpha - for ROOL RISC OS 5.17+ only
This is now included within BBC BASIC in the latest RISCOS ROM builds, and it is recommended that you use that version as it has a few further bug fixes.